Property & Hospitality Services

This division provides a supportive leg to the survivors of trauma by assisting with the packing and general cleaning of a property.

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It is important to note that there are varying degrees of trauma and stress-related trauma :

Post death, whether natural or crime related, often involves a physical relocation. PHS assists survivors in these situations by packing up the contents of the home / office and conducting a general cleaning service.


Moving home creates a stress-related trauma to varying degrees, whether it is related to


A retirement village

Changing areas / regions

Loss due to death or divorce / separation


Additional Services include

Fly Screens

Product Sales – Cleaning equipment and sanitizers

Distributors of Aktivora : Only product certified to kill the COVID-19 virus

General Maintenance

Pool Services



Sanitising and Deep cleaning of ablutions / accommodation facilities / kitchens


Launching in Feb/March 2021

We Care!

We don’t just clean……

Health issues surrounding the contact with blood and blood borne pathogens amplify the traumatic experience as viruses that are carried in the blood are often unknown and can be fatal.

Trained personnel that Care about your safety and the dignity of the situation are intentional about the support in all aspects of our approach to the trauma.

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All pathogens are carried in the blood and some bodily fluids. The viruses and/or diseases that the deceased or injured is harboring is unknown to the first responders on a scene. This leaves those present in a vulnerable position of contracting a virus merely by position at this stage.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2015 stats, 3.1 million South Africans died as a result of Non-communicable, chronic illnesses and disease – a further 930 000 as a result of Injuries (road accidents, interpersonal violence and self-harm).

Lower Respiratory Tract infections was the highest cause of death, with HIV/AIDS the second highest and Diarrhoea diseases at 5th highest cause of death. With all these conditions there is an immunity breakdown and associated harmful pathogens are carried in the blood system.

Every person that was exposed to the post-death status in any of the above (not exclusively) was placed at a health risk

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